PX Compiler

Advanced graphics builder and database manager for Alerton Compass

$100.00 per unit
Requires internet access to initially activate the product and deactivate. The software can be used for 30 consecutive days without an internet connection before it must validate its license again. The software will be disabled if the software cannot validate its license within this period. The software will be enabled again once the license validation passes. The license validation happens in the background without user intervention. For more details, refer to the "ddcToolbox Product Activation Guide.pdf" on the Support > Downloads page.
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Nested Displays/Templates

You can now create dynamic graphics that are composed of multiple displays and/or templates. Px Compiler will automatically rebuild all appropriate graphics when a nested display/template has changed.

Variable Injection

You can create reusable displays/templates by utilizing variables that get assigned dynamically. Variables can be assigned values directly from the BACtalk database (BACtalk.mdb and SQL Express) to populate your graphics. This means you no longer have to manually type room numbers or equipment names on your graphics because you can inject each devices data into your variables.

Database Change Tracking

When using variable injection with your graphics, Px Compiler will automatically rebuild your graphics when a value in the database has changed. For example, a change to a device “object name” in the BACtalk database will automatically be updated on all graphics.

Product Overview


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This product can run without a license in "Evaluation Mode" for testing purposes. License the software by using a valid activation code to remove all "Evaluation Mode" restrictions.

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