Bitx is a utility where you select a series of animation frames then define smaller areas you wish to export to bmp files. These bmp files to be used when creating BACtalk display objects. Bitx saves all settings in a project file in case you need to go back and re-create the files.
Bactalk.activex example for Visio
A port of the Alerton Excel example of using bactalk.activex.interface. If you are a user of MDPC and have issues getting it to work try this file. If you can get this Visio VBA macro to work then MDPC should work also.
A Windows MDI database viewer. Works like the Point-Editor in ddcbar. Will connect to Visio if you are a licensed ddcbar user. Perfect if you use Access database files in your work and want a faster viewer/editor than using Access.
Sizable Ducts
A Visio drawing of HVAC duct layouts. Designed to work with the older AHU Builder system from Alerton.
Cooling Tower Raydream and Graphics
Very old background and animation bitmaps for a cooling tower. Includes the Raydeam file in case you still use that program and want to tweak the graphics.
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